nextwebinar – Dave Landry on Trading




Dave Landry’s

The Week

In Charts


Without You, There Is No Show! Enter Your Info Below To Participate In The Live Webinar (And Newsletter)

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Join us on Thursday May 14th at 11:00 AM EDT for Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts–An Interactive Webinar. Each week I teach trading lessons based on current conditions/your requests, field your questions on trading, analyze your stock picks, and show you where we’re finding opportunities. Bring your trading questions and favorite stock picks.

This Week

  • Bonds/Interest update
  • Recap on recent emerging trends–what worked, what didn’t, and what still looks interesting
  • Answers to your questions on trading.
  • What I think about your favorite stock picks.
  • Check Back for more stuff to be covered as the week unfolds.

What The Audience Is Saying

TestimonialsAs always, you put on a terrific show. Thank you for all of your time an efforts. I consider you a mentor. …using your methods and market review, I have become a consistently profitable trader. There really isn’t a value that you can put on that . . .” Eric F.

“I just wanted to drop you a note and say thanks for a great chart show today. It was nice that you went beyond the usual X’s and O’s of trading and trend trading. Your words were actually encouraging just as I was about to make a stupid mistake trading.” Mike B.

“Thanks for having the webinars. They have been very helpful to me. They are keeping me out of trouble.” Steve Kurtney


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I, Dave Landry d/b/a Sentive Trading, LLC promise to keep all email addresses private. By clicking on the above link, you will be on a distribution list that receives articles, webcasts, newsletters, and other educational material and analysis (see disclaimers at  From time to time, this material may also contain special offers for products, free & paid webinars, and services developed by Dave Landry and others. You can unsubscribe at any time. See other terms & conditions at