Dave is not going to tell you want you want to hear, he’s going to tell you what you need to hear. He explains the importance of money management and the need to eliminate losing trades. He teaches the discipline to wait for the proper time to enter a trade. He also teaches you when to accept a loss and move on to the next trade. He is both a successful trader and a remarkably talented instructor. Dave has the temperament, knowledge, and experience that is needed in this industry. He’s also a genuinely nice guy with a wild sense of humor.
Dave M. Taucher - Chief Investment Officer & Managing Member Rav Financial Services, LLC www.ravfinancial.com

Dave Landry has been actively trading the markets since the early 90s. In 1995 he founded Sentive Trading, LLC--a trading and consulting firm. He is author of Dave Landry on Swing Trading (2000), Dave Landry’s 10 Best Swing Trading Patterns & Strategies (2003), and The Layman’s Guide to Trading Stocks (2010). His books have been translated into Korean, Russian, Italian, French, Japanese, and Chinese. He has made several television appearances, has written articles for Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, Active Trader, Currency Trader, Traders Journal-Singapore, and TRADERS'. He has been publishing daily web based commentary on technical trading since 1997. He has spoken at trading conferences both nationally and internationally. He has a B.S. in Computer Science and an MBA. He was registered Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) from 1995 to 2009. He is a member of the American Association of Professional Technical Analysts. Dave can be reached at dave at dave landry dot com.
Institutional Consulting

Dave currently consults with hedge funds, mutual funds, and signal providers. Dave is available to consult with your fund to provide technical analysis for short-to-intermediate-term equity timing. Rates are negotiable and will be based on factors such as deliverables and the size of the fund. Consulting is done on a non-disclosure basis but references are available on request. Email Dave directly for samples of actual research submitted.
Speaking Fees
Private or For Profit Organizations
$10,000 for the first hour and $5,000 each hour thereafter with a $25,000 per day maximum plus half of any fees collected (net of expenses and in excess of speaking fees). Business class travel and accommodations required.
Not For Profit Organizations
(schedule is very limited) No charge for up to 1 ½ hour speech. However, all travel expenses (economy) must be covered.

Previous Engagements
See Home Page For Latest Announcements
02/24/17 World Tour: Traders Expo: New York, New York, USA
11/20/16 World Tour: Traders Expo: Las Vegas, USA
10/15/16 World Tour: Traders4ACause: Las Vegas, USA
02/26/16 World Tour: Traders Expo: New York, USA
01/21/16 World Tour: Teresa Blair Wong, Hong Kong, China
11/21/15 World Tour: World Of Trading, Frankfurt, Germany
10/15/15 World Tour: Traders Expo, Las Vegas, USA
02/21/15 World Tour: Bologna, Italy
11/22/13 Traders Expo, Caesars Palace Las Vegas.
04/13/13 Houston Investors Association, Houston, TX
11/12/12 National Association Of Active Money Managers Trading Techniques CRAM Session, Chicago, IL
09/08/12 ShowFxWorld Moscow, Russia
06/23/12 TSAASF Annual Conference, Golden Gate University, San Francisco, USA
05/22/12 Italian Traders Forum, Rimini, Italy
10/29/09 Australian Technical Analysis Association, Melbourne, Australia
International Work

Dave's books have been translated into 6 languages including Korean, Japanese, Italian, French, Russian, and Chinese. Dave occasionally provides commentary and analysis in countries outside of the U.S. Contact Dave directly for more information.
Disclaimers and Fine Print
Disclaimer" Dave Landry d/b/a Sentive Trading, LLC ("Company") is not an investment advisory service, nor a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer and does not purport to tell or suggest which securities customers should buy or sell for themselves. The analysts and employees or affiliates of Company may hold positions in the stocks or industries discussed here. You understand and acknowledge that there is a very high degree of risk involved in trading securities. The Company, the authors, the publisher, and all affiliates of Company assume no responsibility or liability for your trading and investment results. Factual statements on the Company's website, or in its publications, are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice.It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented in these products will be profitable or that they will not result in losses. Past results of any individual trader or trading system published by Company are not indicative of future returns by that trader or system, and are not indicative of future returns which be realized by you. In addition, the indicators, strategies, columns, articles and all other features of Company's products (collectively, the "Information") are provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Examples presented on Company's website are for educational purposes only. Such set-ups are not solicitations of any order to buy or sell. Accordingly, you should not rely solely on the Information in making any investment. Rather, you should use the Information only as a starting point for doing additional independent research in order to allow you to form your own opinion regarding investments. You should always check with your licensed financial advisor and tax advisor to determine the suitability of any investment.HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN INHERENT LIMITATIONS. UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING AND MAY NOT BE IMPACTED BY BROKERAGE AND OTHER SLIPPAGE FEES. ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT ACTUALLY BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER- OR OVER-COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY. SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN.