Daily Commentary – Page 9 – Dave Landry on Trading

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Dave Landry

TFM 10% Buy Signal In Qs

By Dave Landry | Random Thoughts

As of Friday 03/31/23 we have a buy signal in the TFM 10% in the QQQ. This means that there are 2-bars of upside Landry Light (two lows above the 50-week simple moving average) and the closed above the "buy line" (which means that the ETF is within 10% of its 50-week closing high). 

Although the system was designed for the S&P 500, it appears to show merit in the Qs. 

TFM 10% System In QQQ

See the Bear Market Updates page for videos explaining the system (the 03/30/23 Week In Charts and the 03/29/23 Trading Simplified Show).

May the trend be with you!

See the Bear Market Updates page for videos explaining the system (the 03/30/23 Week In Charts and the 03/29/23 Trading Simplified Show).

May the trend be with you!

I'm Dave Landry and I approved this message

Dave Landry


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