Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts – Dave Landry on Trading

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Dave Landry's THe wek In Charts

When It’s Okay To Be Negative When Trading: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts

By Dave Landry | Dave Landry's The Week In Charts

Trade Successfully

In this episode, Dave continues to show his Methodology In Action by updating/revealing mystery charts, showed a live "Buy At B" setup, continued his discussion on the Landry 100, updated his TFM 10% System (sell signal pending!), did a walkthrough on options trades based on his Trading Service, and showed another example of his "Alt-coin To Bitcoin" strategy. He then continued his series on 25 Trading Resolutions For 2025. This week, he focused on when it's okay to be negative about trading. As usual, he fielded your questions and analyzed stock and crypto conditions. 


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