Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts – Page 11 – Dave Landry on Trading

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Dave Landry

On Your Next Trade (and only that one trade) DO THIS: Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts

By Dave Landry | Dave Landry's The Week In Charts

Trade Successfully

In this episode, Dave continues to showcase his methodology in action with a "smoke 'em if you got 'em report," mystery chart updates, updates his TFM 10% System, and touches upon his Landry 100 momentum list. He also discussed using an OGRe to get a head start on a position trade.  He then continued his series on how a Million Little Things will make you a successful trader. This week, he discussed TE one thing you MUST do on your next trade (and only THAT trade). As usual, he fielded your questions analyzed your market picks and discussed the state of the stock and crypto markets.  


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