Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts – Page 189 – Dave Landry on Trading

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Holy Grail

Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts: Hunting For “Holy Grail” Days

By Dave Landry | Dave Landry's The Week In Charts

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On trend days, the market starts at one end and ends at the other. They are a godsend for traders. In fact, if you knew exactly which days would turn into trend days, you'd own the world. Unfortunately, it's a Holy Grail hunt. The good news is that there are signs, signals, and patterns that suggest when a trend day is near. In this video, I share my latest volatility research on trend days and how to stack the odds in your favor. I also discuss possible patterns to get aboard trend days and ways to stay out when the trend day doesn't materialize. I went on to discuss current conditions, a little trading psychology, and a SIMPLE way to stick with a trend. Last but not least, I fielded your questions on trading and analyzed your favorite stock picks.


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