Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts – Page 193 – Dave Landry on Trading

Category Archives for "Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts"

F-bombs On A Trade

Dave Landry’s The Week In Charts: Got F’d On A Trade? Should You Go Back To The Well?

By Dave Landry | Dave Landry's The Week In Charts

Dave Landry's Core Trading Service

In this episode, I show a recent trade that failed miserably but then set up again. Psychologically, these are hard to take, but can turn into great opportunities. I then covered an awesome opening gap reversal (OGRe) live trade. As usual, I covered market conditions in-depth with a focus on volatility beginning to dry up, sectors rotating, and the fact that we might have avoided major sell signals. And last, but not least, I analyzed your favorite stock picks and answered your trading questions.


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