Now with Dave Landry
Here At
I have a bit of an entrepreneur’s do-it-all-myself curse-something I need to work on! I just can't let go! Anyway, I spent a lot of the week programming the website, mostly creating a new “Free Members” section. This is the first step toward getting all my content organized. And, btw, no, I don’t need programmers. I have several in my client pool I can draw from.
I also programmed some of those annoying pop up "thingys." Hey, I'm not completely altruistic!
While doing the above, I found some pretty good content if I say so myself. I dusted off, cleaned up, and refreshed my Want To Become A Successful Trader? Just Take These 5 Easy Steps On Your Next Trade article. There will be many more to follow. If you can't wait, sign up (for free!) under members.
What I'm Reading..And, Thinking About
Again, I'm trying to start fewer books than I finish. I'm still working on Tribe Of Mentors. Now, before you wonder if I'm mentally challenged, below is what my inside cover looks like-so far. As previously mentioned, Ferriss' books are idea generators. I often stop reading to take notes, research projects, or just write based on the inspiration. It's also 600 pages!
I have been continuing to think about the reoccurring theme throughout the book of the "micro" vs. the "macro." We all have big dreams. That's nice, but success is not some destination that just happens. It's a journey-a journey made up of moments, and seconds. A little of this thinking found its way into the aforementioned article. I'm sure I'll have plenty more to say about it-yet another one of those "secrets" to trading!
This Week's Content
See the article mentioned above. I'd encourage you to read the two articles from last week. Again, I really think we need to get ahead of this potential bear market. And, again, hopefully, a word we should never use in this business, this will turn into just another correction in this long-term bull market. I do think we should brace just in case.
Toot toot! The articles have been getting a lot of traction on social media and picked up by several websites (e.g.
The Holistic Trader
I think it's vitally important that we remain holistic when it comes to trading, and life. This is something that I've been working on for the last couple of years. As traders, we're not exactly athletes, but I do think it is important for us to be in top shape mentally and physically. I think this leads to better decisions. It certainly can't hurt to be of sound body and mind!
Well, admittedly, I didn't do so great this week. Next week, I plan on getting back on the spin bike and restart my guided meditation.
I'm in wait mode for the pattern recognition and indicators. I'm still playing with them, but officially, they're in the hands of the beta testers. Check out this recent Week In Charts for a sneak peek. It’s pretty cool if I say so myself. I plan on using a lot of this in the Festival Of Traders presentation. So, join me there!
What I'm Trading
As I've been preaching, if you haven't already done so, now's the time to consider a short or two in equities. In the model portfolio, we are short PENN and PHM. See the "Go Go No Mo" strategy under Free Reports for my reasoning here. In FOREX, I continue to trade hourly Bowties off of major highs/lows. I remain short the EUR/USD based on this. I've been thinking about trading crypto pairs-e.g. Etherium vs. Bitcoin etc.-but haven't seen anything worthwhile. It was fun catching the bubble in Bitcoin (and Etherium, Litcoin, and Ripple), but now I'm in "can't stand it" mode. When I see the mother-of-all opportunities (i.e. the potential trade is so great, I just can't keep sitting on my hands) maybe the daughter-of-all opportunities), I'll step back in.
Looking Ahead
I'm back in the home office next week. I have two appearances:
The trend is your friend but how do you know if a market is trending? And, if you do think it is, how do you know when it's coming to an end, or at the least, due to correct? There are thousands of complex trend indicators out there, but are they really necessary? Considering this, I'm going to show you a super simple indicator that will help keep you on the right side of the markets. I'll also so you how the same indicator can warn when a correction may be looming. If you can't make it, click below anyway to have access to the recording (you must register to access).
We’ll have to see how the week unfolds, but more than likely, I’ll be discussing the potential bear market looming.
May the trend be with you!

Dave Landry
P.S. Now that you know what I've been up to, leave me a comment below to let me know what you've been doing.