Tools – Dave Landry on Trading

The Following Are Tools That I Use For Trading

...and start looking at them, lots of them.  I use Telechart (TC2000) for most of my scanning and Metastock for my international work/other markets and research. Both companies offer free trails. I will GIVE you all of the indicators and scans that I use. Use these links to sign up to get special offers, my indicators and scans: 

Telechart (or call 1-800-776-4940 and tell them Dave Landry sent you. My code is AF136)

Metastock (or call 1-800-252-9901 promo code davidlandry)


Metastock (or call 1-800-252-9901 promo code davidlandry)

Telechart Logo

Telechart (or call 1-800-776-4940 and tell them Dave Landry sent you. My code is AF136)

In more recent times, I've been experimenting with Finviz. So far, I really like what I see! You can easily make watchlist based on your criteria. You can view them online or import to TeleChart for further analysis. Please use to the link below to check it out. 


Crypto, Especially The Alt Coins (aka Sh*tCoins)


Ten (media)

After completing all of the above, start paper trading and then, when ready, open a real brokerage account. Dave's parent company (Sentive Trading, LLC) is an affiliate of Interactive Brokers.  CLICK HERE to open an account. 

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