Dave Landry's Core Trading Service
Subscribe To Dave Landry's Core Trading Service And Receive A Free Gold Membership (Normally $47mo.)!
Okay Big Dave, chalk up another one to the Landry list 'unofficial picks.' of the quickest trigger to price target moves that I’ve seen. Just keeps going today.... China Ming Yang Wind Power (MY) is taking off too.
(actual client)
As an ex-Trading service member, I can say I have tried every reasoning possible. This included doubting, guessing, second guessing, etc. and found the only times I was profitable is when I followed your methodology to a "T". Even though I did it mechanically, I still outperformed any attempts I made to modify/change your methodology. The method works, period. Yes, it can be boring (and negative) at times, but over time it is successful.
Thank you, Dave, for all you do. I’m getting more out of your service than any other.
(actual client)
Watch A Short Video Nightly
If a picture speaks a thousand words, then a video speaks even more. Receive a short 4-8 minute video nightly. The video includes in-depth market, sector, and stock analysis including where I am finding the best opportunities and what action you should take--if any (read further)! Additional markets such as gold, bonds, currencies, and others are also covered when they are relative to overall conditions or when they are providing opportunities.
Each day you will receive a video of where the best opportunities are. Above is an actual sample. Higher quality (true HD) versions are published behind the firewall).
Specific setup recommendations are given including where to get in, where to take partial profits, and how to manage the positions via trailing stops. Each night the open portfolio*** is published showing open gains and losses. Over 10 years of prior services are available of EVERY recommendation made public for those who want to study recent and longer-term historical action.

Above Is An Actual Trade: Setups are given with the pattern, entries, initial profit target, and protective/trailing stop.

The open portfolio is tracked daily and includes suggestions for stops, trailing stops, and taking profits.
Looking for More Ideas On How To Trade The Current Market?
In addition to official setups, each night Dave publishes his "Landry List" of possible opportunities. Suggestions are given for those traders looking for ancillary ideas.
Dave's goal each night is to not only show you where he's finding opportunities but explain why he thinks these are good opportunities for you. He explains why he likes certain stocks and why he doesn't like others. He points out his patterns such as Bowties, First Thrusts, Reversal Gaps, TKOs etc. but will also show you how many of his patterns dovetail in with classical technical analysis. He also teaches how to apply to discretion to your trades using real-time examples.
Not Just A Tip Sheet
The goal of service is to not to be a "tip sheet" but a comprehensive analysis of markets, where to look for opportunities, portfolio management, and ongoing real-time education.
Subscribers are given unlimited access to Dave (within reason). Got a question about a setup? Dave answers all emails on a timely basis. Just place “urgent subscriber question” in your email and he will answer it immediately. Subscribers can also call Dave directly with their questions.
10 Years Of Archives Available
Want to see everything recommended and ancillary setups over the last decade? No problem. Over 10-years of the actual real-time recommendations--not just some inflated claims or perfect hindsight-are available to download.
Thinking Of Someone Else's Trading Service?

No problem! It’s not “my way or the highway.” In fact, many of my clients are subscribed to other trading services in addition to mine. Also, some of my best clients have tried many other trading services before finding--or coming back to!--me. So, I welcome the competition. Bring it on! If you are only considering one trading service, ask these questions: Is their performance repeatable? It does you no good if they wow you with great trades after the fact. All recommendations are recommended long before the market opens. Can you follow the service and still have a life? You don’t have to sit in front of a screen all day. In fact, I recommend that you don’t. It only takes a few minutes per day to input the orders then you’re off to save lives, build buildings, repair automatic transmissions, spend time with your love ones, or do other great things. Do they have some inflated claims or will they show you the last 10-years of every single recommendation and ancillary setups?
So, Ask, Will They....
- show you exactly where to get in, exactly where to place your protective stop, where to take partial profits and how to trail your stop?
- suggest some discretion such as taking profits early, damage control, and staying with positions on “stop nicks?”
- answer all of your emails directly related to positions on a timely basis?
- take your phone calls or have a private web meeting with you if you still have questions?
- provide you with ancillary setups and trading ideas?
- not only show what they see but teach you using live examples?
- tell you to wait during less than ideal conditions (vs. putting capital in harm's way unnecessarily)?
- show you a daily spreadsheet of the open portfolio—not just a few selected winners but the good, the bad, and the ugly?
- follow up with weekly in-depth webinars on what worked, what didn’t, and what can be done better?
I love what I do and my passion comes through. I spend hours and hours every day sifting through 1000s of stocks to find the best opportunities for us.
Here's my promise to you:
I promise to work hard to find the best opportunities and to keep us out of trouble when necessary.

Since I use this daily research in my own trading, I have a vested interest in your success.
Ready To Get Started? Click Below For Immediate Access
Disclaimers And Fine Print
The above subscriptions will automatically renew upon expiration. Those considering Dave Landry's Trading Service should carefully read disclaimers available at (under "About" on the home page). Dave Landry is not a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). Never forget that ALL predictions are about the future and a lot of stuff can happen between now and then. Low price introductory offer (if/when offered) is good to new clients only. Although actual trade information may be contained within the spreadsheet, the portfolio is a hypothetical 100k portfolio based on following the daily recommendations mechanically. All commentary provided on this site is provided for educational purposes only. David Landry, Sentive Trading LLC, and/or its affiliates may hold positions in the stocks or industries discussed here. This information is NOT a recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any securities. There is a risk of loss in trading. Past returns are not indicative of future returns. There are no refunds for any trading services. Therefore, clients should choose carefully. Free delayed service and over 10-years of archives are available to help potential clients make informed decisions.